
A teddy bear show in spring 2002 at Chateau Ste. Michelle Winery in Woodinville, Washington
Crew members Earl Grey, William the Cub, and Hamlette the pig
Teddy Today and Teddy Bear & Friends magazines the Crew appears in

I am honored that the Crew members and I have appeared in some print and online magazines and websites over the years, listed below. (You can click on the images to see them larger.)

The Guild of Master Bearcrafters Blog, May 29, 2013
Crew member Strauss, made from my husband's Levi's jeans, in a post about bears from reclaimed materials: "Make do and mend..."

The Teddy Bear Annual, Autumn/Winter 2012: "On the Scrapheap: Recycling with the Guild of Master Bearcrafters"
Crew member Strauss is pictured on page 44.

The cover of the scrap heap challenge issue of The Teddy Bear Annual, Autumn/Winter 2012

Kuscheltier News PDF magazine, June 2011 issue: cover and featured artist article about the Crew
(Click here to see all pages of the article and read the full English translation.)

I Love Teddies website, April/May 2011 artist feature: an interview with the Crew
(Click here for a blog post about it.) website, April 12, 2011, artist feature: an interview with the Crew

Small Town Living online magazine, January 17, 2011 issue: an article about the Crew (sadly, no longer available)
(Click here for a blog post about it.)

Teddy Today magazine, summer 2002: a Crew member appears in this issue

Teddy Bear & Friends magazine, November/December 2001 issue:
Crew member Ha Lee, the Christmas panda, appears in the "Christmas Bears" feature (pictured at the top of this page)

Teddy Today magazine, fall 2001: a Crew member appears in this issue

Teddy Today magazine, summer 2001: a Crew member appears in this issue

Teddy Today magazine, spring 2001: a Crew member appears in this issue